Kyoto Spring Intensive April 2024
… the concept is to use a single location to enable a deeper focus. With 7 full days (8 nights), and no time lost through travelling between different towns, we expect to have a very creative experience

Feeding Kolkata
The market has a strange and beautiful patchwork of lighting. Natural light fights with a variety of warm and cold electric lights. Pools of coloured light illuminate the produce: red to give the carrots a healthy glow and green to make those beans more snappy.

Autumn Photo Tour in 2022 and dates for 2023
We are now confidently looking forward to going ahead with the Japan Autumn, colour, culture and contrasts, photo tour. We have five delightful guests joining us (and one free space if you hurry). The small group tour design means we fully meet Japan’s latest travel rules as the country slowly re-opens.

This is a creative image making tour and we wanted to make this photo tour a little more calm and focused so we have designed the itinerary so that we stay longer in three of our specially selected World Heritage locations – Mt Fuji Five Lakes, Yakushima Island and Kyoto.

Geiko & Maiko in Kyoto (update)
I’m delighted that the book is now distributed by penguin books in Australia. So you can order through your local book store.